Friday, October 30, 2009


i generally love fridays. i used to love them more when i knew i would not have to wake up and work in the morning. but, i can deal with 6 hours of work and being done by 11 i suppose.
nothing too eventful today. worked. napped (which was fantastic btw). ate my snack. went and got my hair cut (shorter again! i LOVE it). and ate dinner with my love (in case you care, we ate taco salad).

i got a great deal on a clampless curling iron - $30 (from $100+). i can not wait to get it - should be here by tuesday. unless fedex goes postal on me again - i must admit, i am not a huge fedex fan.

no big plans right now for tomorrow - just hanging out with my love. sometimes it is nice to have no plans, especially when you are not supposed to be spending (ignore the fact i just bought a curling iron and got my hair cut. they were "needs").
