Monday, September 14, 2009


No news is .... still no news. We are waiting to hear back from our realtor and the seller's of a home we have been going after for a few weeks now. We are trying to get the sellers to replace the roof that was done incorrectly and by what seems like a 4 year old with some paperclips and glue, from what the contractor told us when we had some estimates done. If the bank/seller's wont redo the roof for us, we have to walk. I have to assume they wont, so I do not get excited about this anymore. It really is/was my dream house for us right now. It offers us a chance to move away from the city a little, great features and just overall beautiful. But, I have to think there will be others that will do if/when we lose this.
I am also waiting to hear back from my Dr. I am assuming that since it is almost 5 and I have not heard that nothing came up in testing, but that is just as frustrating to me as finding out something is wrong. I cant just feel sick all the time with out there being a reason. So, we shall see what she says when I get to talk to her!
I am going with the boy shopping for a few things tonight. Poor thing has little clothing to start the year off (he is a teacher) and is in terrible need of some new stuff. I love shopping for him so I am quite excited!

I will update more as I know.

with love.